December 16, 2020
Launching your own token project? Our experts are ready to help with listing on exchanges, market making, marketing and other solutions
SUBMIT APPLICATIONRecap: Listing.Help at Blockchain Life 2020
In the blog on Medium, we share our highlights and takeaways from the trip to Blockchain Life 2020.
Every year our team attends the Blockchain Life forum. Usually, it is held twice a year: in spring and fall. This year the Forum was held only once, on October 21–22, because of the quarantine. We clearly understood the concerns of many people, but Blockchain Life 2020 surpassed all expectations.
Kirill and Andrew share their impressions on the Forum and answer why we see Blockchain Life as a crypto event like no other.
Next year we will definitely visit the Blockchain Life 2021 forum. Just a week ago, our team discussed new ideas and things we want to implement in 2021. But we understand the most important thing that if Blockchain Life 2020 gathered more than 3000 people in conditions of the pandemic, then the next time, there will be many more attendees!