September 27, 2024


Launching your own token project? Our experts are ready to help with listing on exchanges, market making, marketing and other solutions


How to List a Token on Binance

Listing is one of the most important stages of project development that is used everywhere in the cryptocurrency markets. Listing on a top platform multiplies the chances of attracting the required number of investors, token liquidity and community trust in the project. 

But how do you list a token? In this article, we’ll explain the pros and cons of Binance, how to apply, alternative ways to list, and answer any questions you may have. Let’s get started!

Why List on Binance?

With more than 200 million registered users worldwide, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, and importantly, its audience continues to grow. Therefore, a project that pours into Binance gets access to hundreds of millions of users who conduct transactions worth billions of dollars every day.

The platform also features advanced trading tools and a high level of security. And any project that is listed on Binance in the crypto community is a kind of sign of quality and reliability of the project, as the exchange imposes strict requirements on the tokens that it places. 

Benefits of Listing on Binance

Project owners have a number of advantages related to listing on the largest crypto exchange. First of all, these are:

  • Access to an audience of over 200 million people
  • Significant increase in token liquidity
  • Increased community trust in the project
  • Powerful trading platform with a wide range of trading tools
  • Ability to cross-trade with other tokens through a large number of trading pairs
  • Advanced security measures

What Tokens Are Accepted on Binance?

And now let’s get more complicated and analyze how to list on Binance. The exchange has fairly strict criteria for filtering projects and selecting the most suitable startups for listing. It is important that the project has a roadmap, an active and engaged community, and a transparent token business model. The level of technical implementation of the project is also taken into account. For example, projects that are built on outdated or poorly supported technologies may experience application issues. It is also important to maintain a certain level of liquidity. All of these criteria will play an important role in the evaluation of your project.

Preparing for a Listing Application

In order to meet Binance’s requirements, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for listing. Projects must provide comprehensive information about their token and meet a number of criteria. 

Binance Requirements for Listing

It does not matter what your startup is focused on: a blockchain project, a cryptocurrency trading platform, or a cryptocurrency exchange. There are the same requirements for all projects. 

Your startup should be based on modern technologies, have a clear project roadmap that describes development plans, technical updates, and a strategy for attracting users. You must also have a transparent corporate structure, a clear and logical token policy that distributes tokens fairly among ecosystem participants, and the support of an active and engaged community. If you meet all these requirements, your project will have a good chance of being listed on Binance. 

How to Gather Documentation for Submission

One of the most important steps is to collect the necessary documents that will be required when applying for listing. The project needs to provide complete and maximum information about the project team, roadmap, description of the business model, technical details of the project, as well as detailed information about the token and tokenomics. 

All data collected will help Binance to better understand your project, its viability and future prospects.

If your token has already been listed on other exchanges, you will need to provide information on which ones and what is trading volume. Such details will help the exchange assess the demand and liquidity of your token. Such details will help the exchange assess the demand and liquidity of your token.

The Role of Community and Marketing Strategy

Your project’s community will also play an important role in the exchange’s evaluation of the project. Binance will take into account the activity of your community on social networks, forums and various thematic platforms where cryptocurrency, and in particular your token, may be discussed. The more active the community and the more supportive the project, the better your chances of a successful listing.

In addition to the community, your project should have a well-developed marketing strategy to promote your token, actively interact with users and investors, and participate in cryptocurrency conferences, events, forums and other activities.

Submitting a Listing Application to Binance

After preparing all the required documents and meeting other conditions, you can apply for listing through the official Binance channel. The application process consists of several steps, during which you will need to fill out several forms.

Steps to Submit an Application via Official Channels

The first step is to fill out an application on the Binance website, which requires you to provide complete and accurate information about your token, the project’s business model, team and technical details. It is important to provide only current and accurate information when filling out the application.

Common Mistakes in the Application Process

The most common mistakes project owners make are not providing complete or accurate information, using outdated documents, or not having a clear business model or roadmap. Such mistakes can result in a significant slowdown or outright rejection of your application. 

How to Speed Up the Approval Process

On the other hand, you can speed up the process. If you want to do this, we recommend that you work closely with Binance representatives through trusted listing partners like Listing.Help, who can provide all the necessary documents and resolve issues with the exchange. This collaboration will get you through the application process faster and, most importantly, minimize the chance of rejection. Often exchanges, especially Tier-1 platforms, can reject your application without giving a reason. With listing partners – the rejection rate is zero because the team knows all the key criteria of the exchanges and can competently work out the strategy of your project. 

What Happens After Submission?

After completing the application, you will need to wait from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the project and its readiness for listing. During this time, the exchange team will review all of your submissions to ensure that they meet the technical and business requirements, as well as ask clarifying questions, which may include clarifications on technology architecture, development roadmaps, and other fundamental matters that you may not have fully disclosed in the information provided.

Launching Trades on the Platform

Once your application has been approved, the process of getting started with trading begins. This stage involves identifying and setting up trading pairs and working with liquidity mechanisms. It is important to work with reliable market makers who can guide you to the desired result.  At this stage, it is important that the project team continues to actively interact with the community and generate interest in the upcoming listing, as after the preparatory work is done, the date and time of the listing will be determined and trading in your token will begin.

Alternative Ways to List a Token on Binance

In addition to the standard application process, there are alternative ways to get listed on Binance that can speed up the process and provide additional opportunities for your project.

IEO on Binance Launchpad

An alternative listing option on Binance that is also popular is the Initial Exchange Offering (IEO), which typically takes place on the Binance Launchpad. Binance supports IEO projects at all stages of listing. Tokens issued through Binance’s IEO tend to have good liquidity and a high level of trust in the crypto community.

Partnering with Binance through Affiliate Programs

Another alternative way to accelerate listing on an exchange is to partner through affiliate programs or other business initiatives. Participation of your project in such programs can give your project new opportunities to interact with the exchange and receive support in token promotion. 


How long does it take to get a token listed on Binance?

The listing process can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of your project and its readiness for listing.

What are the most common reasons for a listing application to be rejected?

The most common reasons for not listing on Binance are incomplete compliance with exchange requirements, poor or missing business model, roadmap, or low community activity.

Is there a fee for listing a token on Binance?

It’s worth remembering that listing on Binance is free. It’s a Tier-1 exchange that will carefully review any project – and if you try to list on your own, be prepared to be rejected. If you are interested in listing on Binance, we recommend that you contact Listing.Help for a free consultation – during the first call they will audit your project, work out a strategy and advise you on the next steps for a successful listing on the exchange.

Can a token be listed on Binance without meeting all the requirements?

If your project doesn’t meet the exchange’s requirements, you can theoretically still upload a token to Binance, but your chances of a successful listing will be significantly reduced. It is precisely in order to maintain high quality standards that Binance adheres to such rules for new projects. 

What can I do if my listing application is rejected?

Along with the rejection, the Binance team should provide you with comments explaining the reason for the rejection. After correcting the said comments, you can reapply for a Binance listing, but this time include a list of all the corrections you have made to start meeting the requirements. It is important not to ignore the team’s recommendations and try to implement them to avoid being rejected again.

How important is the project’s community in the listing process?

An active community plays an important role in the listing process. The Binance team evaluates community engagement, discussions on forums, buzz sites, and the project’s interaction with its audience on social media. All of this adds up to the overall sentiment around the project that Binance evaluates. 

These were the most important questions regarding token listing on Binance. Don’t forget to listen to the recommendations of the exchange’s technical support and to prepare thoroughly before submitting your application so that your project meets the exchange’s requirements as much as possible. We wish you successful development and an easy road to listing!

For more insights and updates on the crypto world, don’t forget to check out our blog at Listing.Help


Launching your own token project? Our experts are ready to help with listing on exchanges, market making, marketing and other solutions