Marketing Services

Here at Listing.Help, we've been around the crypto block a few times. We know the ups and downs, the twists and turns. And we understand that it takes more than just a cool idea or fancy tech to make it in this space. It takes strategic marketing, and that's where our expertise shines


Key Benefits of Our Marketing Service

Increase Exposure

Ever felt like you’re shouting into the void? Our marketing efforts are like turning up the volume on your project, making sure it’s heard loud and clear by the right people. We’ll get your project in front of the eyes that matter most, so you can stop shouting and start being heard

Build Credibility

Trust is everything in the world of crypto. That’s why we’re here to help you showcase your project in the best light possible. With our marketing strategies, we’ll paint a picture of credibility and trustworthiness, helping you build strong relationships with investors and stakeholders along the way

Attract Investors

Let’s face it – every project needs a cheerleader (or two). With our strategic marketing campaigns, we’ll be your project’s biggest fans, shouting from the rooftops and attracting investors like bees to honey. Together, we’ll drive token adoption and pave the way for the success you deserve

Create Community

Building a community is about more than just numbers – it’s about creating a space where people feel connected and engaged. Our marketing services increase exposure and foster meaningful relationships within your community. We’ll help you nurture a loyal following that believes in your project as much as we do


Why Choose

Partnering for Faster Results

We work closely with trusted partners to achieve results quickly and effectively in line with our market making strategy. This teamwork guarantees that our efforts in the crypto industry are impactful and targeted

Years of Experience

With years of experience in crypto, we rely on proven strategies and insights to guide our approach. This expertise allows us to develop customized marketing plans that are both strategic and effective

Customized Marketing Strategies

We specialize in creating marketing strategies that fit your project's unique needs and goals. Each campaign connects with your audience, driving engagement and achieving meaningful results

Achieving Real Results

Through our collaborative efforts and personalized strategies, we deliver tangible outcomes that support the growth and success of your project in this market

Our Process


We'll start by getting to know you and your project better. Then, together, we'll explore your goals and dreams, crafting a personalized marketing strategy that fits like a glove


Our team of experts will roll up their sleeves and implement your customized marketing strategy. We've got an army of partners and resources at our disposal, ready to tackle any challenge

Monitoring and Optimization

Here's the secret sauce – we don't just set it and forget it. Nope, we're all about closely monitoring things and making tweaks as needed. We'll monitor the performance of our campaigns like hawks, optimizing along the way to ensure you get the best possible results


Once your project starts gaining traction and making waves, we'll be beside you, cheering you on every step of the way. Because your success is our success, and we love nothing more than seeing our clients thrive


Ready to get started? Our cryptocurrency experts are standing by to start providing our solutions for your token project


Partner Exchanges/


Our Clients

Companies We’ve Helped

2000+ more

Meet the Team

United Arab Emirates

Sergei Khitrov

Founder & CEO
Forbes 30 Under 30

United Arab Emirates

Kirill Zamkovoy

Executive Director


Margarita Grażhenskaya

Vice President

United Arab Emirates

Pavel Zhavoronkov

Head of Sales


Anastasia Afanaseva

Listing Compliance Manager

United Arab Emirates

Anton Ivanov

Chief Business Development Officer


Victor Popov

Head of Partnerships & Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Alex Sokolov

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Sam Tolstikov

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Maxim Romanov

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Alexandros Agapidis

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Jorge Denisov

Business Development Manager


Adele Keutaeva

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Walter Venin

PR officer

United Arab Emirates

Irina Mikhailenko

HR Executive

United Arab Emirates

Aleksi Brylev

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Stanislav Filatyev

Business Development Manager

United Arab Emirates

Ivan Zhuravlev

Business Development Manager

Joe Simons

AI Manager

Do you want to
become part of our team?


We are public persons and regularly attend many major blockchain events around the world. Speeches of our representatives at conferences, information about past and upcoming events, the achievements of our company, articles from our experts – you can find it all on pages of our blog.

September 16, 2024

Step-by-Step Guide to ICO Marketing and Promotion

September 14, 2024

What is Chain Abstraction?

September 11, 2024

What is Crypto Market Making?

September 5, 2024

What is Telegram's Meme Coin DOGS?

September 3, 2024

What Are Appchains (Application-Specific Blockchains)?

September 2, 2024

Is Cryptocurrency Halal or Haram? A Comprehensive Islamic Perspective

September 1, 2024

What is Polymarket? Decentralized Prediction Markets Explained

August 31, 2024

Effective Telegram Marketing Strategies for Crypto Projects

August 29, 2024

How to Create a DAO in 7 Steps?

August 25, 2024

What is Crypto Staking? Understanding How to Earn and Manage Risks



What types of marketing services do you offer?

We've got a treasure trove of marketing goodies waiting for you! From making your socials sizzle to crafting captivating content, we've got your back.

How long does it take to see results from your marketing efforts?

Results vary based on factors like project visibility and target audience. Some results, like increased engagement, can be immediate, while attracting investors may take longer.

How much does your marketing service cost?

Costs are tailored to your project's needs and budget. We offer flexible pricing options and transparent pricing based on the scope of work discussed in the initial consultation.

Ready to take your project to the next level?

Book a discovery call to get a look at:

  • How Listing.Help works
  • How you can do listing better, faster and cheaper for your project with us
  • How we’re different from other agencies (hint: we’re 10x faster and more experienced!)
  • The most suitable listing strategy individually for your project


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